Have you noticed that as you adjust to the new normal, so does the imposter syndrome?


Have you picked up on the fact that the imposter syndrome is quickly morphing into something new?


Watch the video below to hear more about this evolution of the imposter syndrome

Then let’s chat … what are you doing to push forward?

As a high achiever, if you were to describe the imposter syndrome pre-Covid, it would have been wrapped in a statement like this:

• What will people say?

• What if I fail?

• Do I really belong here?

• Did they make a mistake hiring me?

• I don’t think I am the best at what I do

• I don’t deserve all the acclaims for my accomplishments, because so and so also contributed

• I am not qualified for this promotion

I can go on and on….

And so many people constantly deal with these thoughts.

And Now, as the world accelerates into the new normal, the thoughts are not only being magnified, but they are also morphing

They are no longer general statements

They are getting very personal and very specific

Because why?

We feel the need to constantly show value on a daily basis and in every single virtual session that we attend

Because we want to remain relevant and competitive

As a result, this imposter syndrome is repackaging itself in newer statements like:

• Now that I don’t get facetime with my manager, will I get a good performance review?

• Am I useful on the team?

• Will I still be top of mind when promotion decisions are made?

• Can I really stay on top of my game with working from home while also balancing with home schooling my kids, parenting, pets, house chores and family?

Honestly, I am sooo exhausted just thinking about all these self-imposed limitations

But I am also aware that these limiting beliefs are paralyzing you

It’s essentially the fear of not wanting to be left behind which is coupled with the fear of the unknown

But we must break free from this mindset!

Listen, your achievements are not just due to luck, being in the right place at the right time or some other mechanisms unrelated to your own capacity

Remove that fear and push forward to reimagine, innovate, reinvent and challenge the status quo.