The world is a global village and 2020 has proven it to be true!
A pandemic was triggered from one corner of the world and spread to the rest of the world like wildfire
When global supply chains slowed down, even your favorite toilet paper took a hit
Countries started to operate with similar measures for lockdown and reopening
People became more connected through online interactions
Extroverts all around the world were forced into an extended moment of silence
All of this was definitely not pleasant nor ideal, but there was a silver lining
People got an opportunity to:
• Stop and smell the roses
• Reassess their busy schedules
• Exercise more
• Get more rest
• Catch up on reading
• Reconnect with loved ones
• Evaluate career trajectory
Even in the midst of all the craziness that forced us to stop in our tracks
Remember, the world is still revolving nonetheless.
Stay Plugged In
Let’s keep going!
The best is yet to come!