FACT: Your family will NEVER give you the unbiased opinion that you long for, particularly when you need a reality check!

Why do you expect your parent/partner/sibling to be your confidant, your mentor, your COO, your financial advisor, your therapist AND your investor ALL-IN-ONE???!!

I know! I know! 

Family is very important to you

So before making any major decision, you MUST run it by them

Because you’ve always told yourself that that’s how you have to do it. Right?

Let me break it to you…

You are being SELFISH and doing yourself a DISSERVICE at the same time!

No wonder you are getting sub-par results on your goals

So how do you fix this??

Treat yourself like a business!

Just like a business:

  • you MUST have a circle of influencers for each goal
  • each role MUST be clearly defined 
  • each role MUST have specific responsibilities
  • you MUST have regular meetings with your circle, to check on progress, identify gaps and calibrate
  • you MUST hire, promote and fire your influencers to stay aligned to your vision and mission
  • this SHOULD be a win-win experience for both parties


Innovate your personal board of directors!

For each season of your life, calls for a different type of support

Watch the video below to find out who is on my circle of influencers.

Then I want to hear from you, who’s currently on your personal board of directors and how this has changed over time?

Video Script:

Whenever I am assessing my board of directors, my main goal is to have a board that’s relevant to the season that I am in at the moment, to provide support I need to achieve my goals. So this is not just for professional purposes but for my life as a whole. So it’s a dynamic entity that expands as I progress

So at this moment, here are the 5 roles that are on my current personal board of directors:

  1. Coach – This year, I decided to invest in a coach for accountability purposes. For so many years, I have been setting aggressive goals for myself and my coach keeps me honest and at the same time cheers me on. I can tell you that it’s been day and light since adding them to my board
  2. COO – For the working parents out there, I will tell you that having a person on the ground has been life changing for me. This person makes sure that the house is literally in order, from meal preps to school drop off and pickup and other tasks that are best delegated. This might be a luxury for some but for me, this department is very critical so I make sure that it’s not forgotten
  3. Financial advisor – I hired this role when I graduated from college and they have been even though our catch up are seasonal, I do know that I don’t have time to keep up with my investments. So instead, I hired a professional financial advisor whom I consult with whenever I need to make a major financial decision
  4. Confidant – Essentially this is the person 

These people bring a specific piece of the puzzle