Figure Out Your Lane and Stick to It!
Have you defined your interests and passions?
Do you know the problem that you can solve?
The key is to add value!
And the intersection of your interests & passions and the problem that you can solve, is where your goldmine of value is
Your interests and passions are probably already clearly defined in your mind, so that’s easy!
The not-so-easy part is defining the problem that you can solve.
Especially in times of significant change as we are in at the moment,
customer needs and wants have shifted
and past data is not fully reliable to provide an accurate picture of the new user profile
So when you are dealing with a fast moving target, how do you define your lane?
It is much more valuable to be known for one thing really well, instead of being mediocre at many things
Don’t get lost in the shuffle and fail to curve out your lane
Watch the video below to learn the 3 tips to figure out your lane.
Then get started today and go get it!
Still not sure how to curve out your lane? Let’s talk
Here are 3 tips to curve out your lane and become a valuable asset to your audience:
Be Consistent – we all have some levels of FOMO …you know… the Fear Of Missing Out. so we get swayed by every new cool idea that’s on the market. But by being consistent, you become an authority and the go-to person for expertise. That way, you attract the right audience and that makes you very valuable
Be outcome oriented – your goal should be to provide tremendous value so that your audience comes back over and over, for more. This will also help spread your brand so that you can be seen by more people
Be Patient – Give yourself at least six months of going above and beyond to share free knowledge. Then see how that works for you
Any other tips that you have used which work really well? Post them in the comment section below