How do you determine the most valuable features to prioritize?
By focusing on your worst reviews!
Most of the time we tend to focus on requests from customers who already like our products, but have some dissatisfactions here and there
But if you think about it, the ROI in this scenario is very minimal
Since you’ve already delivered the most impactful value to them
Everything else is essentially bells and whistles
Instead, focus on your most dissatisfied customers
It may not be your preferred way to receive feedback
But they will provide insights into the critical problems that you should be prioritizing
And your impact will be much bigger
How does your team prioritize their work?

And the best way to do this is by focusing on the problems that you are looking to solve
Features reflect the proposed solutions
Which are likely to have been recommended by the developers
However, from a customer’s perspective, their only goal is to eliminate the problem that they are dealing with
How you do it doesn’t really matter
As long as the outcome solves the problem
So once you determine the features to solve the problem
Determine the most valuable one by prioritizing the problem
Which problem presents the biggest bottleneck?
Which problem, if eliminated, will enable the customer to be more productive?
Which problem will all
Prioritizing based on these criteria will ensure that you are truly customer centric
And the features that you deliver will be the most impactful
How do you prioritize?